Episode 72: Doing the Next Right Thing – Small Steps Towards Change


In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, we dive deep into the journey of midlife women who are realizing the immense power they possess to achieve their dreams and aspirations. As we navigate this phase of life, we often come to terms with the fact that while our potential is limitless, our time and energy are finite resources. Join us as we explore how to gracefully navigate the delicate balance between ambition and self-care.

In this episode, we will discuss practical strategies for identifying your true passions and priorities, understanding the importance of reckoning with the fact that we can have anything, yet can’t do everything, and embracing concept. We will explore the mindset shifts necessary to let go of the pressure to “do it all” and instead focus on what truly matters to you.

Tune in as we hear Dr. Natalie’s own personal journey of using the “Do the Next Right Thing” principle to create LearnToLoveYourStory.com and highlights the skills of compassionate self-awareness and taking small steps towards change. This skill allows us to make progress without overwhelming ourselves with big changes. This empowering conversation that will leave you feeling inspired, motivated, and equipped with the tools you need to embrace your potential while honoring the sacred balance of time and energy.


  • Don’t let regrets drive your life; use them as a guide to make choices that align with your desires.
  • The next right thing principle helps you live in the present moment and make small steps towards change.
  • Develop compassionate self-awareness to notice when something feels amiss and take action to align with what you want.
  • Change doesn’t have to be overwhelming; focus on doing the next right thing in front of you.
  • By taking small steps towards change, you can create a life that you love and thrive in midlife.


Do any of these sound like you?

    • Feel a sense of lack, despite success in life or having done everything “right”
    • Struggle to articulate how you feel to others
    • Experience guilt about how you’re feeling
    • Have lost your way
    • Are struggling to overcome turmoil in your life
    • Have become resigned to accepting a life you don’t love

Many of us are suffering like this — daily life has become an ordeal, and we don’t know where or how to find help.

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Keywords: regrets, next right thing, living in the present, alignment, midlife crisis, self-awareness, small steps, change, midlife women, changing slowly, podcast for women, Dr. Natalie, Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving


The content in this podcast and video is not a replacement for therapy and is not clinical, medical, or mental health treatment. Dr. Natalie Marr is a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Minnesota. Her work with LearnToLoveYourStory.com and all affiliate social media entities is educational and coaching based ONLY. She IS NOT offering therapeutic services of any kind on these mediums.

If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis or having thoughts of suicide, please use the following crisis resources (this is not an exhaustive list of available resources):

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

CALL 988

Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org/

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