Episode 59 – The Power of Making a Difference

In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie and Dr. Orazie Cook encourage individuals to pursue their passions and find joy i...

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Dear Parents & Caregivers of Our Graduates

When our kids become adults, we are left in a place where all we can do is watch and we have almost no ability to do the protecting and shaping that we once...

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Advice For “Adulting” Well

We are not at 18 years old ready for this world. I promise you that many of us aren’t even ready for this world when we hit our 40s, 50s, or even 60s. I h...

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A Remedy to Overwhelm – Connection

So many of us struggled during COVID feeling isolated from one another and unable to reach out to our usual tribe. We know that this resulted in even higher...

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Pain and Suffering: The Ties that Bind Us

Really...pain and suffering are the ties that bind? Hard pass!!! No thank you!!! Wait a second though...What if pain and suffering are the GLUE that unit...

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The True Cost of Technology

What is it with these school shootings?  Why do we still see so much pain and suffering among our young people? Or people in general?  What is the real co...

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