Episode 46 – How To Manage the Symptoms Before, During and After Menopause


Part 2 – Special Interview Series with Mary Bushkuhl


In this conversation, Dr. Natalie and Mary Bushkuhl discuss many symptoms that occur during the course of our menopause journeys. Explore this intricate journey of menopause in our latest episode, delving into Mary Bushkuhl’s empowering solutions for managing these symptoms. Uncover the science behind hormone therapies, discover the role of adaptogens, and unlock nutrition strategies for a smoother transition.

Tune in for her expert insights and practical tips to navigate this transformative phase with grace. As in the previous episode of this series, Dr. Natalie and Mary Bushkuhl discuss the importance of empowering women to understand their bodies and navigate midlife health with confidence.

If you haven’t caught the first episode in this series, head there now at this link. As in the previous episode of this series, we review the importance of empowering women to understand their bodies and navigate midlife health with confidence. The conversation emphasizes radical self-care and encouraging women to listen to their bodies and prioritize their own needs. Menopause is a personal experience and only you know what is best for you and your body.

Key Takeaways: Symptoms of menopause can include physical symptoms, sleep disturbance, mood changes, and decreased libido;  Hormone therapy may be a treatment option for menopause symptoms, but it should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

Here is where you can find Mary Bushkuhl and her fitness programs and coaching.

Website: https://www.marysfitnesscheyenne.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marysfitnesscheyenne

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marybushkuhl

Blog: https://www.marysfitnesscheyenne.com/blog

Do any of these sound like you?

    • Feel a sense of lack, despite success in life or having done everything “right”
    • Struggle to articulate how you feel to others
    • Experience guilt about how you’re feeling
    • Have lost your way
    • Are struggling to overcome turmoil in your life
    • Have become resigned to accepting a life you don’t love

Many of us are suffering like this — daily life has become an ordeal, and we don’t know where or how to find help.

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Keywords: Menopause symptoms, Hormone therapy, Adaptogens for menopause, Nutrition during menopause, Managing menopause symptoms, Hormone balance, Menopause solutions, Natural supplements for menopause, Women’s health podcast. Empowering menopause journey, Empowering women in midlife, Radical self-care in menopause, Women’s health and body understanding


The content in this podcast and video is not a replacement for therapy and is not clinical, medical, or mental health treatment. Dr. Natalie Marr is a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Minnesota. Her work with LearnToLoveYourStory.com and all affiliate social media entities is educational and coaching based ONLY. She IS NOT offering therapeutic services of any kind on these mediums.

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