How to Beat the “I Know Better”s


“I know better!” How many times have you uttered those words? And how many times have you been frustrated, angry, maybe even a little rageful that you did it again anyway? You are in good company my friend, because we all have been caught in that cycle.

The question really is how to get out of the cycle. I have been asked this so many times in my practice that I recognize that this is a learning opportunity for all of us, not just those in therapy. The truth of the matter is this is part of our human wiring, based in our brain. We repeat old behavior patterns when we aren’t even thinking about it. Why do you ask? Because our brain thinks for us.

That’s right! Our brain has a way to rewire itself so that it can do things without even asking our conscious awareness for input. So pesky patterns first develop from a behavior we thought met a particular need. We repeated the behavior enough that now our brain does it despite our “knowing better.”

Want to learn how to rewire your brain and stop these pesky patterns? Watch the video below.