How We are Connected to Everything!


Ever get the feeling that someone is giving you a vibe? You know…that kind of vibe that lets you know they are in a mood of some kind and you better tread lightly. Or ever feel energized after doing a bunch of work outside, even though it was a lot of work and you have no business having that kind of energy after all that? Or maybe you have that friend in your life that no matter when or where you see them, brings you pure joy just being around them. Or worse, someone that seems to suck the life out of you, even if its just them texting you. Not even needing to be around them personally for them to drain you.

Why do you think it is that you can sense that vibe? Feel energized after being outdoors? Or always feel rejuvenated or drained when you encounter that certain person in your life? How is that possible?

For starters you are made up of about 7 Billion Billion Billion atoms. Seriously!!! And atoms are the stuff that makes up everything in the universe. The building blocks for all living and non-living matter. Everything. Meaning at a basic level we are all made of the same stuff. People. The air. What you eat. The chair you’re sitting on. All of it, made up of the same stuff.

Not to mention that the atoms that make up all this stuff have been around a Billion years, and they have made many different things in that time and they will continue to go on and make many more different things. So atoms not only make up the stuff of us, they also connect us over time to ALL of the stuff that ever WAS or ever WILL be.

silhouette of person holding glass mason jar
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on

And it doesn’t stop there. Atoms are quite small. In fact there are more atoms in a cup of water, than there are cups of water in all of the oceans combined. Right?!? And yet an atom is not even the smallest building block. Scientists have found about 150 subatomic particles. And these particles are in motion most of the time. In fact, an atom is about 99.9% empty space for these subatomic particles to be moving about in. In fact, if you took the space out of all the atoms in all of the stuff of our universe, the universe itself could fit inside a container the size of a sugar cube. Bonkers!

Hence, it is the energy that these subatomic particles are creating that is in fact what is doing the “building” of the matter it transforms into. So it is in the spaces in between that things really become what they are. And how these subatomic particles behave is really mind bending. Subatomic particles just come into existence from seemingly nowhere at times. Other times they can be in two places at the same time. Their behavior is known to change just by the act of observing them. And research has shown that a subatomic particle can travel the distance between two points without ever traveling the space in between OR by traveling all conceivable paths that can be traveled between these two points. What?!? Is your mind going a little numb right now?

And still the interconnectivity between all things doesn’t stop there. Atoms make up molecules and molecules combine to make up cells and cells combine to become the systems of our biology. Meaning the systems that make up a human, like the circulatory system. Or a system that makes up a rose or a tree. And these things then connect with other like things to become larger systems, like a family of people or a forest of trees. And then these things connect to things unlike themselves as an inter-dependent ecosystem. Shall I keep going?

person tossing globe
Photo by Valentin Antonucci on

It’s probably not necessary for me to keep expounding on this, yet the subject matter is so very fascinating to me. You see we have connection to so many things, yet we tend to overlook this very scientific fact. When it is said, there is so much more that is the same about us than there is different, there is actual science to back this up.

Yet, we continue to focus on things as being very separate. We continue to see the internal system of ourselves as separate from those around us and our environments. While at a subatomic level we are continually recycling in and out of the very same small building blocks of atoms and subatomic particles as everything else in and around us.

Our own cells are dying off continuously to the point that every seven years all the cells of our body have been replaced. And even so, our body hasn’t forgotten to be us. It hasn’t taken on some new form or function. And where did the atoms and subatomic building blocks come from that those new cells are made of? Why, they came from the billion year old atoms that are continually surrounding us becoming and unbecoming other things.

multiracial curious girls exploring green plants
Photo by Gabby K on

So, when you just know something in your gut. Or you feel energized or drained just from being in a certain environment or with certain people. I want you to think about the 99.9% of space and the trillions upon trillions of subatomic particles that are coming into existence and creating all of the stuff around you all the time. I want you to listen in your bones to the messages that these atoms and subatomic particles are telling you. I want you to remember that which you came from is also that which is energetically telling you what you need to know at any given moment and will continue to tell other things these same messages as they become the building blocks of all things going forward.