Why does this keep happening?


Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.

Pema Chodron

This is a tough pill to swallow sometimes. Such truth in it though. I can say that nearly every person I have ever had in counseling struggles with this concept. “Why haven’t I learned!?!”, is the frustrating mantra I hear. And let me be honest, this is a frustrating mantra of my own.

Because when we haven’t learned yet what this pattern is here to teach us, then it keeps repeating until we learn. This is one of the main reasons I encourage others to “stay curious” rather than exercise judgment towards themselves or others. Curiosity allows us to want to know more about the thing that ails us, instead of forming resistance against it.

crop nurse demonstrating small double colored pill
Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

If we keep pushing away from things that hurt we will keep hurting. If we instead learn what it is that hurts us, what part we play in that process, than we open up endless healing possibility. We no longer have to be compelled to hurt and instead may feel compelled to change. And then my friends, we are on to another lesson to learn. A never ending process of evolution brought to us through healing.

Nothing is static. None of us is born perfect or are immune to needing to change. All of us are offered this same opportunity to grow everyday until the day we leave this earth. So what are you staying curious about right now? What do you need to learn still on your journey. Feel free to share below. I think there is great power in hearing one another stories.

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