Don’t Forget to Love the One That is With You For Life…You!


Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.

Katie Reed

Are you tired of being tired? I know I am. And its not like I don’t know better…its just so darn easy to fall into the same patterns over and over. So many things to do. It can be overwhelming. Day after day of getting up, getting ready, doing the thing we do, coming home (or starting our “home” life for the COVID day), taking care of the ones we love, probably going back to some work on that thing that we do, then finally crashing, only to have to wake up and start it all over again. Enough!!! Am I right?

expressive woman crying in dar room touching head
Photo by Skylar Kang on

Notice a key ingredient missing in this? Self-care!!! When are we taking care of us? And don’t give me that old line of, “I don’t have time.” Of course we all feel like we don’t have time when we are running in circles and neglecting ourselves, which leads to not resting well, which leads to running into the ground and completely losing sight of why we are doing what we are doing in the first place.

I’m pretty sure no one said, “When I grow up I want to work so I can pay my bills.” No…we wanted to grow up to have fun, hang out with friends, start families, and fulfill our hopes and dreams. So what are those hopes and dreams? And how far off is your routine from helping you to accomplish them? For most of us, it’s way too far off. And what happens from that point is usually no good.

When we aren’t where we are “supposed to be” according to our families, cultures, or personal ideals, we start to judge ourselves more and more harshly. This leads to less likelihood that we are caring for ourselves. In fact, we usually just pile on the self-judgment and I think that this pattern is what causes us the most difficulty. We are already far from where we want to be, and then we ladle on being judgmental with ourselves for being there and that makes us not want to be present in our lives even more.

ethnic woman frowning face and pointing at camera
Photo by Alex Green on

This is not good people. Not good at all. I wrote a piece a while back talking about how some of us will even begin to experience having difficulty wanting to be in the present at all. Check it out.

I want to suggest an alternative to this. I want to help people start to learn not just how to get out of this rut, but to learn the skills for noticing when they start to fall into this rut and why. I want to assist people to have the skills not only to recognize what’s happening, but also change its course. And honestly, my dream is to help people see how much there is to love about themselves right now. That they already are people worthy of love and belonging. That they don’t have to achieve some big goal, where the right thing, buy to right product, have the right job, etc. to be worth their own focus, love, and self-care.

Take a look at this video and learn some more about my online Personal Development Program. This is what I’m doing to help others with these issues. And I recently added Group Coaching with Community Support packages as well. Take a look at the packages after watching the video.

If any of this seems like a good idea for you, join our mailing list and receive a free gift. Once on our mailing list you will never miss any new information on the program. Or you can just head right Courses page by clicking this link.