Join me, Dr. Natalie, your trusty host and resident clinical psychologist/self-empowerment coach/midlife mess, as we explore the ups and downs of navigating...
You ever wondered why it can take a half a dozen times for you to hear someone saying your name when you are focused on something? Its a thing! We can comp...
Our stories are intricately a part of who we are, and words are how we make up these stories. Our word choice is a very powerful thing. These words shape ...
In this episode, we'll explore strategies for breaking free from the martyr mentality and becoming a master of our own time. We'll discuss the importance of...
Emotional Exhaustion in large part comes from our inability to give more without first replenishing ourselves. Invert this process of giving to others befor...
Welcome to the midlife chemistry class! In this podcast we explore the four essential chemicals in our bodies that impact our mental and emotional health: d...
Have you fallen off the proverbial wagon with your exercise routine. If so, you are in good company. Springtime is notorious for becoming a time of reckon...
In this episode of "Hot Flashes, Cool Calm," Dr. Natalie dives into the world of self-care for midlife women. Dr. Natalie shares some of her wisdom for stay...
Have you ever had one of those days that you felt sucked into the vortex of negativity? Like you can't do anything right? Or like Murphy's Law is beating y...
You know how I harp on good self-care all the time in these blogs and vlogs. Why do you ask? Because at the crux of what interferes with our ability to love...