Have you Already Fallen off the Exercise Wagon?


Have you fallen off the proverbial wagon with your exercise routine. If so, you are in good company.

Springtime is notorious for becoming a time of reckoning when it becomes clear that all our great New Year’s intentions aren’t coming to fruition.

Dr. Natalie is going to spin on this one step further. Maybe the reason you are struggling to keep on the exercise wagon is because the way you are going about it is not real self-care.

What?!? We have all been taught that exercise is the quintessential self-care right?!? Well…maybe we need another lesson?

Take a look.

Don’t know if the Learn To Love Your Story could help you. Then take this quiz and see which Online Courses would best help you with your personal growth and development.

What Course Is Right For You?

So many of us get stuck at some point during our lives.  We know that we are not fully happy, yet we don't really know what's missing.  We just know that we thought it would feel better than this by now. So what gives?

Dr. Natalie's online courses are designed to help you build the skills you need not only to find out what seems to be missing in your life and keeping you stuck; her courses will help you liberate yourself from your past and starting designing the LIFE YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED.  

Take this quiz and receive an individualized recommendation from Dr. Natalie as to what course would be best for you and why these courses are specially designed to help you with what you need.

FREE Group Coaching For a Year – Join ANYTIME!

Join us monthly as we work together to help you design the life you have always wanted for yourself. No gimmicks! Just results! Dr. Natalie has nearly two decades of experience as a Clinical Psychologist and she is ready to help women in midlife break the chains of living in constant survival mode.

Please be sure to sign up. Even if you can’t join every month, you will also have access to online courses, workbooks, guided meditations, and get the video highlights sent out after each months group coaching event. It is well worth it!!! Make 2023 your year!!!

How To Work With Dr. Natalie

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