How to Be Kind to Yourself


It seems like such an intuitive thing to do, yet we are very challenged in our ability to stay kind towards ourselves. This form of self compassion seems to fly in the face of the internal mantras we have of judgmental self-evaluation, as a means to keep ourselves “on course“. Basically, we like our whips. We like to use self-critical evaluation as a way to stay on track.

This does not always serve us, however. Being kind to ourself is a form of self compassion that uses our first language, behavior. You know…how babies talk…by crying in order to get the adults in their life to meet their needs. This language of behavior is still our first language as adults. If we do kind things for ourselves the message we send to us is that we are worthy. We are worthy of investing our time in. We are worthy of investing our energy in. We are worthy of investing our love in.

Take a look at Dr. Natalie‘s video message this week on how you can be kind to yourself.