What is the Power of Mindfulness


If you had $86,400 and someone stole $10, would you throw $86,390 away for revenge? Or move on and live? Right, move on and live. See, you have 86,400 seconds each day. Don’t let someone’s negative 10 seconds ruin the remaining 86,390. Life is bigger than that. And so are you.

Unknown Author

I saw this once on social media and found it to be very compelling. How many of us do this? We know this isn’t good for us and yet feel we can’t stop it.

My challenge for you to try this week is to start practicing Mindfulness, to help yourself stop the madness these old patterns bring. You may have heard of Mindfulness and still be skeptical this Eastern philosophy can be helpful. It can though. It orients us to ourselves and our world of the present moment only. It allows space for us to let go of things we can’t control by shifting our focus to the present.

Let me demystify one of the reasons why Mindfulness works. When we pay attention to something research shows again and again that it changes our behavior. One of my favorite examples of this is from quantum physics. Get a load of this:

“In a study reported in the February 26, [1998] issue of Nature (Vol. 391, pp. 871-874), researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science…conducted a highly controlled experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons is affected by the act of being observed. The experiment revealed that the greater the amount of “watching,” the greater the observer’s influence on what actually takes place.”

close up of microscope
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

What does this mean? It means at the smallest subatomic levels of the energy that makes up what EVERYTHING is made of, there is research showing us that the act of observing can indeed cause change AND the more we observe the more influence we have. Isn’t that amazing? Just the act of noticing something influences it…changes it.

So here is the challenge I have for you to try and change the pattern of giving up so much of your time to the negative thoughts in your life:

  1. Notice your thoughts. That’s it! Just take on the role of the observer and notice the thoughts that you’re having.
  2. Describe the thoughts to yourself. This could be out loud, in your head, or written down, like in a journal.
  3. Take a non-judgmental stance. This means don’t be hard on yourself for what you notice you’re thinking. Don’t critique, just notice and name. Nothing more.

Think you can do this over the course of the week? I hope you try. I promise that a practice this small can make big ripples of change in your life. Take five minutes once a day and give yourself the gift of seeing your thoughts as separate from you. You are the observer of the thoughts. You are not the thoughts themselves. See if the act of observing is as powerful as they say it can be on a subatomic energetic level. It may surprise you.

And if you are looking for more helpful hints like this, take a look at the Learn to Love Your Story Personal Development Course. This course is full of these kinds of suggestions, along with tools and videos to help you implement the practices.

And know, I have a monthly Master Class for FREE, in an intimate coffee and conversation setting. This is a great place to get some FREE Group Coaching from me, helping you be the best version of yourself all the time and not just in 2022. Please be sure to sign up. Even if you can’t join every month, you will be part of the mailing list to hear about the topics and get the video highlights I send out afterwards, so it is well worth it.

Or, if you are looking for something a little more in depth, take a look at the online courses that I offer to help people with their personal growth and development.