What to DO When You Can’t Change the Story


Healing is an interesting subject for many. Its so ethereal. Hard to really define and understand. Especially emotional healing. What I am talking about when I talk about healing is not creating a reality where the pain and suffering never existed, but rather defining healing as a means to help you transcend that pain and suffering so the damage it left is no longer controlling your life. Life can be hard and the weight of it heavy. The marks it leaves are real and the pain creates a lasting memory, for which our bodies keep the score. I want to give you a means to move beyond all of these scars and let go of the weight.

Healing doesn’t discount your story. Healing cannot cancel out the damage from your life. Healing is the process by which we disarm all of this. A few weeks back I shared a blog about a Japanese tradition whereby gold is used to repair the broken pieces of an item, thus infusing it with more worth. That’s what healing does. It gives us more worth.

woman holding black flag
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com

One of the means by which I teach others how to heal, is by taking something that was once harmful towards us and turning it into a strength we have to better navigate our life. Almost like a super power. How is this done? Well, one way to do this is to shift the narrative of your life. This is useful when you cannot change the storyline, but most definitely want to change how the story affects you.

In a Vlog earlier this week, I spoke to how you can shift your narrative by rethinking it through the lens of being your own Hero/ine. Taking the storyline of struggle and reorganizing it through a lens of being Hero/ine moves the power back to us. I love empowerment strategies like this. So much of what we struggle with is feeling powerless to the things that happen in our lives. Once we start looking at it through the lens of being our own Hero/ine, we regain some control and inevitably start to feel more powerful.

What’s your super power? What strength have you built through healing? Think about it. Sometimes it can take years to get this perspective, but it is there. And you can seize upon it. Go ahead…be your own Hero/ine.

Do any of these sound like you?

    • Feel a sense of lack, despite success in life or having done everything “right”
    • Struggle to articulate how you feel to others
    • Experience guilt about how you’re feeling
    • Have lost your way
    • Are struggling to overcome turmoil in your life
    • Have become resigned to accepting a life you don’t love

Many of us are suffering like this — daily life has become an ordeal, and we don’t know where or how to find help.

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The content in this blog is not a replacement for therapy and is not clinical, medical, or mental health treatment. Dr. Natalie Marr is a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Minnesota. Her work with LearnToLoveYourStory.com and all affiliate social media entities is educational and coaching based ONLY. She IS NOT offering therapeutic services of any kind on these mediums.

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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

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Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org/

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