
Tired of fighting to prove your worth.  Sick of hustling, only to be rewarded with more work.  We have all found ourselves at this point at one time or an...

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Remember Their Names

I’ve seen a lot of posts on social media as the trial against the individual responsible for George Floyd’s death is underway in my hometown of Minneapo...

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Take Care of the Only “You” You’ve Got!

You are the only “You” you’ve take care of YOU! Self-care is sometimes as simple as letting yourself express your feelings when they come up...

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Ladies…This is How to Get Unstuck in Midlife

Don't you just hate it when you are trying your absolute best, yet you feel like you are stuck and not getting any momentum? This can happen in all facets o...

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How to Feel Good Enough

One of the single most devastatingly undermining stories we tell ourselves is that we are not good enough. The worst part of this is how it is held in plac...

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If You Find Yourself Struggling…Ask Yourself This

Many times when we find ourselves in a struggle, we are fighting not only the issue at hand, but the programming and conditioning underneath this that tells...

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Finding Beauty in the Broken

The wound is the place where the light enters you. Rumi There is a tradition in Japanese culture, whereby broken pottery is reassembled using gold as the ad...

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Have you Already Fallen off the Exercise Wagon?

Have you fallen off the proverbial wagon with your exercise routine. If so, you are in good company. Springtime is notorious for becoming a time of reckon...

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Episode 76: Setting Boundaries and Valuing Your Self-Worth in Midlife

Dr. Natalie introduces the importance of personal agency on this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving. Midlife can feel overwhelming with v...

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Podcast 57 – Reinventing Yourself in Midlife

In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving,  Dr. Natalie interviews Sophie Deslauriers, who shares her personal journey of overcoming ch...

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The “Selfless” Lie

Once they hit midlife, women are faced with unlearning a lifetime of defining their worth by the world's definitions instead of by their own. And on top of...

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Why Does Story Matter?

Did you know that story telling was likely the first form of therapy? Really! We sat around a fire and talked to one another, sharing our wisdom, pain, go...

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