To Keep us Calm and Help us Through the Worst of Our Life Stress In this episode of “Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving,” the one and only D...
So, here it is. Part 2. I know you think that I am going to wax eloquent about #Metoo movement and my opinions on the significance of last week’s even...
When our kids become adults, we are left in a place where all we can do is watch and we have almost no ability to do the protecting and shaping that we once...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie discusses the challenges of making changes in midlife. She shares her personal ex...
Many times when we find ourselves in a struggle, we are fighting not only the issue at hand, but the programming and conditioning underneath this that tells...
There is a way to take your life back once you hit the middle age years. To return to that risk taking young adult you once were with lofty ideas of what y...
Its only been recently when I finally figured out that if I want a different outcome FROM my work life, I will need to be different IN my work life. So it ...
The Science of Accelerating Change In this enlightening episode of “From Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving,” join Dr. Natalie as sh...
We get irritated with others when they break the rules. The concept being there is a “Book of Rules” in our lives that shapes how we live. And when we b...
Women Empowering Women Interview Series In this empowering episode of “Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving,” our host, Dr. Natalie, s...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, we talk about how many people in midlife feel stuck, because they lack a sense of peace in ...
The wound is the place where the light enters you. Rumi There is a tradition in Japanese culture, whereby broken pottery is reassembled using gold as the ad...