In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie and her guest Rachel Astarte discuss the challenges faced by women in midlife, su...
When therapists, coaches, and other health and wellness professionals say that we want you to engage in more consistent self care, we are talking about the ...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Heather Lillico discusses her journey with anxiety and how she found relief through holistic ...
Overwhelm is not actually intolerable, just very uncomfortable. And so many of us don’t realize that our coping skills when overwhelmed actually drive up ...
You have done all the right things. Made all the right choices. Done what was expected of you all your life. And you continue to be the consummate hos...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie and Dr. Orazie Cook encourage individuals to pursue their passions and find joy i...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Sabine Schoepke and Dr. Natalie discuss the challenges and discomfort that come with personal...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie interviews Sophie Deslauriers, who shares her personal journey of overcoming ch...
Its only been recently when I finally figured out that if I want a different outcome FROM my work life, I will need to be different IN my work life. So it ...