Rumble Strips

Where in your life do you see yourself going off course and hitting that rumble strip? What are the signs for you? Where are the choices that you are makin...

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Pain and Suffering: The Ties that Bind Us

Really...pain and suffering are the ties that bind? Hard pass!!! No thank you!!! Wait a second though...What if pain and suffering are the GLUE that unit...

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Podcast 25 – Women Empowering Women

In this captivating episode of the "From Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving" podcast, join as Dr. Natalie delves into the empowering world of yoga w...

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Podcast 39 – How to Change Self Critique into Self Kindness

 The Neuroscience of Self-Kindness: Unlocking Happiness in Midlife In this empowering episode of “Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving” with Dr...

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What to Do Instead of New Year’s Resolutions

If you know me at all, you know that I am not a big fan of starting the year off by telling yourself "Here is the list of things that are wrong with you and...

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Don’t Forget to Love the One That is With You For Life…You!

Are you tired of being tired? I know I am. And its not like I don’t know better...its just so darn easy to fall into the same patterns over and over. So m...

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Podcast 57 – Reinventing Yourself in Midlife

In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving,  Dr. Natalie interviews Sophie Deslauriers, who shares her personal journey of overcoming ch...

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Bring a Little Holiday to Your Everyday

It's here! The holidays are upon us. I know this time of year isn't everyone's favorite, yet it does have a certain amount of cheer involved...doesn't it?...

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Episode 59 – The Power of Making a Difference

In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie and Dr. Orazie Cook encourage individuals to pursue their passions and find joy i...

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Podcast 21 – Midlife Superpowers

Harnessing the Ability to Do Anything When You Can’t Do Everything In this empowering episode, we dive deep into the journey of midlife women who are real...

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Why “Selfish” is the New “Selfless”

You know how I harp on good self-care all the time in these blogs and vlogs. Why do you ask? Because at the crux of what interferes with our ability to love...

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Podcast 31 – Embracing Transformation

 Unleashing Vitality and Purpose in Midlife and Beyond, Podcast Interview with Sarah Bifield In this illuminating episode of “Midlife Crisis to a C...

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