In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie discusses the challenges of making changes in midlife. She shares her personal ex...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Sabine Schoepke and Dr. Natalie discuss the challenges and discomfort that come with personal...
Have you ever been ghosted? You know...someone you know just drops off the face of the earth without so much as a "See you later!" Well guess what?!? Every ...
In this episode of Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving, Dr. Natalie and her guest Rachel Astarte discuss the challenges faced by women in midlife, su...
Women Empowering Women Series – Interview w/ Mary Keane In this episode of “Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving,” join your host, Dr. Natal...
Recently one of my children had a birthday. I couldn’t help myself but buy a sappy card and gift and fuss over him and how wonderful my life has been sinc...
Let Learn to Love Your Story help you with your last minute gifts. Give the gift of personal growth and development by pre-registering your loved one for o...
I know better!” How many times have you uttered those words? And how many times have you been frustrated, angry, maybe even a little rageful that you did ...
How can we be in the mess of our life and not feel like we’re failing? A really great framework for this is to ask “How are you using the difficulty in ...
Right about now in COVID-19, we might all feel like we’ve completely lost it. Dr. Marr describes in this video the neurological basis for this and helps n...
Radiant Self: The Key to Boundaries, Care, and Restoration In the latest episode of “Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving,” Dr. Natalie takes ...
During this podcast, Dr. Natalie interviews Kim Benoy, a podcast host and advocate for inspiring women in midlife. They discuss Kim's journey and the challe...