In the final installment of a compelling three-part series on Dr. Natalie's "Midlife Crisis to a Centered Life Thriving" podcast, Dr. Natalie engages in a c...
Really...pain and suffering are the ties that bind? Hard pass!!! No thank you!!! Wait a second though...What if pain and suffering are the GLUE that unit...
Did you know that how you preserve your time and energy is as important to your self care regimen as the kinds of things you do to restore and replenish you...
I’ve seen a lot of posts on social media as the trial against the individual responsible for George Floyd’s death is underway in my hometown of Minneapo...
Our roles as women can feel like a straight jacket that restrict us to only being able to fill the qualities that we play in those roles. It does not allow ...
Unleashing Vitality and Purpose in Midlife and Beyond, Podcast Interview with Sarah Bifield In this illuminating episode of “Midlife Crisis to a C...
I know better!” How many times have you uttered those words? And how many times have you been frustrated, angry, maybe even a little rageful that you did ...
Have you fallen off the proverbial wagon with your exercise routine. If so, you are in good company. Springtime is notorious for becoming a time of reckon...
Ever feel like you’re stuck? Life is going well looking from the outside in, yet you feel like there is something that is missing. Something more that y...
"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know" -- Pema Chodron I wish I could tell you that there is an easier and less frustrating wa...
Are you a women in midlife that feels like the life transition you are in has you falling flat and feeling less inspired? Dr. Natalie talks in today's Vlog...
Are you still dreaming...still hopeful that there is something out there for you in life. When this goes, it is usually because feeling helplessness and hop...